Learn how to make copycat beverages from Starbucks, Sonic, McDonalds and more!
Try a tropical twist on a Christmas cocktail with this Jack Frost cocktail. The rum, blue curaçao, coconut and pineapple...
'Tis the season for festive cocktails! With a ruby red hue and a crisp white foam top, this Rum Rum...
Eggnog French toast in dippable, bite-sized pieces is exactly what we want for breakfast all holiday season.
2 reviews
Horseradish makes this the best Bloody Mary recipe we've tasted. Without the horseradish, you'll have a more traditional Bloody Mary,...
26 reviews
This homemade hot chocolate recipe will make people think you fussed but it is so simple. —Hershey Food Corporation, Cheryl...
Do you agree with the drink for your state?
A dessert cocktail like no other, the sugar cookie martini is just as fun to make as it is to...
Time to settle the debate (and some stomachs). We found the best ginger ale for sipping and mixing.
Holiday wines are fun to stock up on, but it can be daunting to pick the right ones. Luckily, the...
Stop right there! Before you buy that bottle of Frangelico, you might just have all you need to make this...
Hops are leaving beer behind to be the star of this trendy, sparkling beverage.
This hot chocolate Advent calendar adds 24 small moments of indulgence to your holiday season.
Love orange liqueur? Use our Grand Marnier recipe to make your very own right at home.
This simple apple cider sangria is infused with fall flavors. It's such a simple recipe—and perfect for fall entertaining.
Heard about ice wine and are curious to know more? A sommelier explains everything you need to know.
The classic orange-hued summer cocktail is getting a viral makeover for fall.
This maple old-fashioned is the perfect fireside cocktail.
Want to enjoy the taste of a brew without the buzz? Our team sampled 16 brands to find the best...
This recipe for homemade amaretto liqueur is just what your bar cart needed!
This recipe is bound to be a graveyard smash!
What brand do you turn to for your float? Our team sampled 10 brands to find the best root beer.
Every home bar and pantry should have a bottle of chocolate liqueur on hand for cocktails, hot cocoa, desserts and...
On Wednesdays, we use Mean Girls coffee creamer.
This fall drink is delicious at Starbucks—or at home. Here's how to make a perfect copycat.
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Costco bubble tea means you no longer need to head to a boba shop.
The PSL and an espresso martini come together to create the perfect seasonal sip.
Every home bar or kitchen pantry needs a bottle of creme de menthe. This DIY version is better than that...
Our editor can't get enough of the frozen drink maker from Drew Barrymore's kitchen line. Here's why we love this...
The Hugo Spritz has been dubbed the drink of the summer, and let's just say, we never want the season...
Skip the Starbucks line!
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