Homemade Kit Kat Bars (2024)

by Cara

I’m not even kidding when I say that this gluten-free vegan Kit Kats candy makeover has been 2 years in the making. Over the past 24 months I have been retiring the idea that there is a gluten-free wafer-like food item that is easily accessible to most people that could be placed inside the mid section of these candy bars. That is until a few days ago.

Rice Chex!

Homemade Kit Kat Bars (1)

Now I know some of you have your opinions about Rice Chex and if it is a serious issue, use Nature’s Path’s Oaty or Heritage Bites (they are GMO free but not gluten-free) or you can even try them with their Corn Flakes. I haven’t tried it withthe corn flakesyet but I assume it would give a nice little crunch. For me, I don’t make it a habit to eat cereal for breakfast (I’m way too obsessed with my waffles) so the thought of 6 pieces of Rice Chex in my homemade Kit Kat Bars doesn’t make me bat an eyelash. But that is just me. Do whatever you need to do to make these gluten-free vegan Kit Kats possible though!

Homemade Kit Kat Bars (2)


Homemade Kit Kat Bars (3)

Homemade (gluten & dairy-free) Kit Kat Bars

  • Author: Fork & Beans
  • Prep Time: 25 mins
  • Total Time: 25 mins
  • Yield: 20 bar slices 1x
Print Recipe



For Fluffy Chocolate Middle

  • 1 c cashews
  • 1/4 c raw cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tsp agave
  • 3/4 c water
  • 2 Tb melted coconut oil

Additional ingredients

  • Rice Chex cereal
  • 2 c melted non-dairy chocolate


  1. For the Fluffy Chocolate: simply place all of the ingredients into a high speed blender until smooth and fluffy (takes 3-5 minutes). Place in the fridge while you are assembling everything else until needed.
  2. In an 8×8 parchment paper-lined pan, coat with a thin layer of chocolate.
  3. Line with Rice Chex cereal as seen in the picture above.
  4. In the 3rd layer, thinly coat with the fluffy chocolate middle. In order to even spread the mix, use the back of a spoon and GENTLY spread with an easy hand.
  5. Freeze for a good 20 minutes.
  6. Coat with another layer of Rice Chex. You don’t have to, but I found it helpful to try to line them up as perfectly as possible, this way it was easier to cut straight through the vacant spots.
  7. Coat with the last layer with a thin layer chocolate (do not throw out the remainder chocolate–you will need it for dipping later) and place in the freezer. **Do not allow it to completely freeze because you will need to score the chocolate.
  8. Wait until the chocolate has *just* started to freeze and take a knife to mark where you will be making the incisions. Remember, I went along the lines of the empty gaps of the Rice Chex and made long vertical marks.Cut about half-way through. Freeze for another 20-30 minutes at least. If at any point the candy begins to melt again, simply place back into the freezer.
  9. Remove parchment paper out of the pan and cut through the candy completely.
  10. Melt the remainder chocolate if needed (make sure it’s not piping hot!) Quickly dip the sides of the candy pieces into the chocolate for every piece and allow to set on a of parchment paper. Freeze again until set and then EAT!


  • Serving Size: 1 bar
  • Calories: 235
  • Sugar: 18g
  • Sodium: 14mg
  • Fat: 13.6g
  • Carbohydrates: 26.5g
  • Fiber: 2.9g
  • Protein: 3g

I can rest now.

Homemade Kit Kat Bars (4)


  • Veggie Asian Salad
  • Shamrock Pizza
  • Rainbow Pancake Tacos
  • Santa Hummus Dip
Homemade Kit Kat Bars (9)

About Cara

Based in Chicago with her husband and son, Cara is the creator behind the site Fork and Beans: A place where kids can have fun with their food.

Previous Post: « Homemade Lemon Drop Candies

Next Post: Homemade Gluten-Free Vegan Twix »

Reader Interactions


  1. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (10)Abhishek G

    These are really mouth watering items. Thanks for sharing

  2. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (11)Amanda


    I’m making these for my wife’s 40th birthday TOMORROW, and I couldn’t find any cashews ANYWHERE! I went to 3 different stores yesterday, and gave up, thinking I needed the cashews for the gf, vegan fudge I’m also making.

    Is there any way I can substitute the cashews, or omit them?


  3. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (12)Trish

    I didn’t read through all the comments, so I’m not sure anyone made this comment… Could this recipe be made in ice cube trays so that you get individual treats? I suppose you still have to cut them out individually, it’s just that I can’t see me lining up the Chex and cutting evenly.

  4. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (13)Naomi

    Amazing recipe except for the ‘Agave’ – which is a processed product rammed with fructose, which is terrible for us – poison. Just use good old sugar, which our bodies can metabolise, or corn syrup (which is glucose and fine). Sugar substitutes are nearly always way more bad for you than simple sugar.

  5. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (14)Zoe

    Wow these look delicious I must try these! Might end up eating the whole tray though…!

  6. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (16)Jacquie

    I made this recipe yesterday! (I did tweek it a little bit because my kids are allergic to nuts) and everybody at home loved it!! Thank you so much for this recipe.
    I linked the recipe on my “english language” blog and took the liberty of translated it to spanish and linked it in my “spanish language” blog too.
    I just love it so much, I want every body to know… (I gave you all the credit, of course) I hope you don’t mind 🙂

    • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (17)Laura Catron

      What did you use as a substitute for the cashews?

  7. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (18)Jaime

    From a website I just looked up:

    by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD
    VRG Nutrition Advisor

    When vitamin D is added to foods, it can be either vitamin D2 which is derived from yeast or vitamin D3 which is derived from lanolin from sheep’s wool. Usually packages of foods that are fortified with vitamin D specify whether it is vitamin D2 or vitamin D3. Some packages of Chex cereals simply list vitamin D as an ingredient. We contacted General Mills and learned that the vitamin D in Chex cereals (Rice Chex, Wheat Chex, Corn Chex, Honey-Nut Chex, Chocolate Chex, Strawberry Chex, and Cinnamon Chex) is vitamin D3 and does come from lanolin. Honey-Nut Chex also contains honey and Chocolate Chex, Strawberry Chex, and Cinnamon Chex contain milk.

  8. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (19)niv

    Hi Cara – my son would love love to eat these but cant tolerate cashews. Will almonds be a good substitute?


  9. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (20)Niv

    I would love to make these for my son who has always wanted to try Kit Kat, but cant. Can the cashews be substituted with almonds? He cannot do most nuts except almonds and peanuts.


    • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (21)Cara

      If you use almonds, I say soak them overnight so they blend smoothly. Or try it with peanuts–that might even be super tasty to make a peanut-y Kit Kat. Or, and my last option, would be tofu–it would make a real silky smooth chocolatey mousse. Let me know if it works out! xo

  10. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (22)Lauren

    Recipe looks delicious.
    D3 is Vitamin D (just like Vitamin B6, B12, etc). Many fortified cereals, such as Chex, have it. However, Chex must use lanolin-derived D3 versus a vegan source. Lanolin is an animal byproduct because it is a waxy substance derived from sheep’s wool.

  11. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (23)Crystal

    These look great. Can you recommend a substition for the coconut oil? I don’t use added oils, and am hoping there’s some way to work around that! Thanks. They look super yum!

    • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (25)Cara

      Eek! Thank you for letting me know. I’m not a vegan though I do avoid dairy so I don’t necessarily know all the secret ingredients that are actually vegan. I just changed the title to make it more appropriate. Thank you again 🙂

    • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (26)Heather Lane

      and we should be Boycotting General Mills because they use GMO’s and are fighting against labeling GMO’s.

  12. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (27)Deb

    No soaking the cashews first just wondering thx

    • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (28)Cara

      You can do either, Deb. I didn’t soak mine and it worked out just fine but that is also because I have a high-speed blender that grinds up anything 🙂

  13. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (29)Christen

    sorry, you lost me at rice chex… too overly processed 🙁

    • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (30)Cara

      You win some, you lose some 🙂

    • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (32)Cara

      Love the idea of using Puffins!

      • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (33)Jo Anna F.

        Found three Puffin varieties that are vegan-friendly per Barbara’s FAQ’s: Puffins, Peanut Butter
        Puffin Puffs Fruit Medley, Puffin Puffs, Cocoa Crunch. I’m not familiar with these cereals but I really want a Kit Kat experience again after all these years! Am thinking the cocoa one might sub for the Chex? Any advice? http://barbaras.com/faq/

  14. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (34)Paula

    This is awesome and it must taste great; however, I wish they wouldn’t make chex cereal with bht in it!

  15. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (35)Jill

    I might try it like this: Make the fluffy chocolate center stuff then mix in some chex cereal (like rice krispy treats). Then use a cookie scoop and scoop them on to a parchment lined pan and freeze. Then make the chocolate stuff and once the cereal balls are frozen dip in chocolate, refreeze then ready to eat.

    • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (36)Kelsey

      GENIUS idea. I will be trying this recipe your way very soon 🙂 Anything that I can mix and plop in the freezer for an easy treat is a win!

  16. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (37)Sara Johnson

    Looks like a lot of work, but I’m pinning this in case I get a craving! 🙂 They look yummy!

  17. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (38)Melissa

    I wonder if the fluffy middle would turn out ok without the cashews? I’m allergic 🙁

  18. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (39)V

    Is there an alternative to the coconut oil?

  19. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (40)Crystal B.

    YOU ARE BRILLIANT! My FAVORITE candy (and whachamacallits)!!! 🙂

  20. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (41)Dawn

    I think I would like rice chex kit-kats even better than the original! The look yummy. But instead of my making them, I think you should just send them along 😉

  21. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (42)Randi (laughfrodisiac)

    Oh holy crap! This is amazing! So creative using Rice Chex for the middle. I will be making these very soon.

  22. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (43)CupcakeKitteh

    Well done and so worth the wait!

  23. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (46)Erin

    MMM…GMO be damned, I want me some of these. 🙂

  24. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (48)Amanda

    I eat rice checks every so often and think that is a GENIUS idea! You are so smart!

  25. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (49)Michelene O'Neil

    Awesome! Think these are great! Can’t wait to try this!

  26. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (50)meghan watkins

    what do we do for the outside layers of chocolate? I don’t see ingredient list for that or do we use the same fluffy chocolate for every part?

    • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (51)Cara

      That is the melted chocolate, Meghan 🙂 You are using the remainder chocolate to dip the bars into the sides to coat.

  27. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (52)Lindsay at Kitchen Operas

    You don’t know how much I’ve been missing Kit Kats. This is TOTALLY going on the list. THANK YOU!!!!!

  28. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (54)Pam

    Don’t see the instructions for the “fluffy chocolate middle”. Do the cashews need to be soaked? Do you just whip them all up in a good processor?

    • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (55)Cara

      Silly me 🙂 The instructions are there now. You can soak the cashews, especially if you don’t have a high speed blender however I didn’t soak mine and it turned out perfect. xo

  29. Homemade Kit Kat Bars (56)Jackie (sitting next to your momma)

    awesome! love it, i’m licking my screen! 🙂

    • Homemade Kit Kat Bars (57)Cara

      Save some for the others! 😉


  1. […] image via Fork & Beans […]

  2. […] Kit Kats […]

  3. […] Kit Kats […]

  4. Gmo And Gluten Free Protein Bars

    […] nd take a knife to mark where you will be making the incisions. Remember, I went […]

  5. […] Homemade Kit Kat Bars from Fork & Beans –gimme a break, gimme a break, gimme a break of thatKit Kit Bar!!!Isn’t that just the catchiest tune? You know you just sang it in your head. And I betcha never though they could be made healthier, did ya? Thankfully, the genius Cara over at Fork & Beans did the dirty work and created a genius recipe to duplicate this crunchy candy bars! […]

  6. […] 9. Kit Kats […]

  7. […] 9. Kit Kats […]

  8. […] Homemade Kit Kats (vegan, gluten-free, soy-free) […]

  9. […] The Homemade Gluten-Free Vegan Kit Kats Recipe From […]

  10. […] Photo: Fork and Beans […]

  11. […] Photo: Fork and Beans […]

  12. […] Photo: Fork and Beans […]

  13. […] Fork and Beans / forkandbeans.com […]

  14. […] homemade kit-kat barsfor those who need a break […]

  15. […] Homemade Kit Kats(vegan, gluten-free, soy-free) […]

  16. […] a dairy free (and all-around healthier) version, check out the recipe at Fork and Beans that inspired our […]

  17. […] Photo: Fork and Beans […]

  18. […] fantasies.She even has an obsessionfor candy-making, fromhomemade Health Bars, Kit Kats,to White Chocolate Candy Cane Kisses–nothing is off-limits to this girl. Come join the […]

  19. […] fantasies.She even has an obsessionfor candy-making, fromhomemade Health Bars, Kit Kats,to White Chocolate Candy Cane Kisses–nothing is off-limits to this girl. Come join the […]

  20. […] Fork and Beans / forkandbeans.com […]

  21. […] a dairy free (and all-around healthier) version, check out the recipe at Fork and Beans that inspired our […]

  22. […] Fork and Beans / forkandbeans.com […]

  23. […] Gluten Free Kit Kats […]

  24. […] Gluten-Free Kit Kat Bars from Fork and Beans […]

  25. […] for Halloween, but they could just as easily be used as Christmas gifts. I would recommend her Kit Kat bars, no-bake Twix bars, and peanut butter cups–all of which are vegan, gluten-free, and can come […]

  26. […] and a microwave. For a dairy free (and all-around healthier) version, check out the recipe at Fork and Beans that inspired our […]

  27. […] Kit Kats […]

  28. […] Getthe recipe here… […]

  29. […] Kit Kats […]

  30. […] This is the link for the recipe Fork & Beans (http://www.forkandbeans.com/2013/09/20/homemade-gluten-free-vegan-kit-kat-bars/) […]

  31. […] A mi gusto no parecen “kit kat”, pero me gustaron mucho y más importante a los niños también! Esta es la receta traducida al español, pero el crédito le pertenece totalmente a Fork & Beans (http://www.forkandbeans.com/2013/09/20/homemade-gluten-free-vegan-kit-kat-bars/): […]

  32. […] + chocolate = delicious. They were sort of messy but very tasty. I used the general idea from Forks and Beans, but instead of Rice Chex I used Barbara’s Gluten-free Puffins (the Trader Joe’s […]

Homemade Kit Kat Bars (2024)
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