john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (2024)

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john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (2) How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist?

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (3)byFriendly Toucan June 10th 2023, 1:23 pm

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (4) Hello,

I currently have this added to "memberlist_body":

<!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
<p class="right rightside">{LAST_VISIT_DATE}</p>
<!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->

<h1 class="page-title solo">{PAGE_TITLE}</h1>

<form action="{S_MODE_ACTION}" method="get">
<div class="panel">
<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
<h2 class="h3">{L_ORDER_OR_SELECT}</h2>
<p style="text-align:right; margin: 0; padding: 0;">
{L_USER_SELECT}&nbsp;<input type="text" class="inputbox tiny" name="username" maxlength="25" size="20" value="{L_USER_SELECT_VALUE}" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input class="button2" type="submit" name="submit" value="{L_SUBMIT}" />
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>

<div class="forumbg forumbg-table">
<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>

<table class="table1" cellspacing="1" id="memberlist">
<th class="number">#</th>
<th class="name">{L_AVATAR} - {L_USERNAME}</th>
<!-- BEGIN switch_th_group -->
<th class="group">{L_GROUPS}</th>
<!-- END switch_th_group -->
<!-- BEGIN switch_th_point -->
<th class="point">{L_POINT}</th>
<!-- END switch_th_point -->
<th class="interests">{L_INTERESTS}</th>
<th class="joined">{L_JOINED}</th>
<th class="active">{L_VISITED}</th>
<th class="posts">{L_POSTS}</th>
<th class="pm">{L_PM}</th>
<th class="website">{L_WEBSITE}</th>
<!-- BEGIN memberrow -->
<tr class="{memberrow.ROW_CLASS}">
<td class="avatar-mini"><a href="{memberrow.U_VIEWPROFILE}">{memberrow.AVATAR_IMG}&nbsp;
<br> {memberrow.USERNAME}</a></td>
<!-- BEGIN switch_td_group -->
<!-- END switch_td_group -->
<!-- BEGIN switch_td_point -->
<!-- END switch_td_point -->
<!-- END memberrow -->
<!-- BEGIN switch_no_user -->
<tr class="row1">
<td colspan="{switch_no_user.COLSPAN_NUMBER}">{switch_no_user.L_NO_USER}</td>
<!-- END switch_no_user -->

<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>

<div class="pagination" style="float:none;">
<!-- BEGIN switch_pagination -->
{PAGINATION}<br /><br />
<!-- END switch_pagination -->

I would like for all members with ranks, to also have them displayed below the user name. (Only the text of a rank, not the image.)



john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (5)
Friendly Toucan

Posts : 243
Reputation : 4
Language : English

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (9) Re: How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist?

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (10)byRazor12345 June 10th 2023, 3:51 pm

Good afternoon!

In your template, find:

<td class="avatar-mini"><a href="{memberrow.U_VIEWPROFILE}">{memberrow.AVATAR_IMG}&nbsp;
<br> {memberrow.USERNAME}</a></td>

Replace with this code:

<td class="avatar-mini"><a href="{memberrow.U_VIEWPROFILE}">{memberrow.AVATAR_IMG}&nbsp;
<br> {memberrow.USERNAME}</a> <div class='img_of_rank'></div></td>

Insert this code at the end of the template:

window.addEventListener('load', function() {

let allProfiles = document.querySelectorAll('td.avatar-mini');
let imgOfRank = document.querySelectorAll('div.img_of_rank');

allProfiles.forEach(function(item, index) {
let adr = item.querySelector('a.tooltipstered').href;
url: adr,
method: "GET",
data: 'img',
dataType: "html",
success: function (data) {
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = data;
let find_el = div.querySelector('div#profile-advanced-right div.module div.inner div:not(.h3) img[title]');
if (find_el !== null) {

Save. Publish.


div.img_of_rank img {
background-color: transparent !important;
border: none !important;
width: 80px !important;
height: 20px !important;



john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (11)

Admin - has a rank
Lalala - does not have a rank

The images are loaded from another page, so there may be a delay before the ranks are displayed.
In the CSS code, set the width and height according to the parameters of your images.

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (12)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (13)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (14)
Support Moderator
john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (15)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (16) Posts : 1538
Reputation : 265
Language : Ukr, Rus, Eng
Location : Ukraine

Friendly Toucan likes this post

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (19) Re: How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist?

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (20)byFriendly Toucan June 10th 2023, 4:31 pm

Very cool, but you must have missed this part in my post:

Friendly Toucan wrote:(Only the text of a rank, not the image.)

(For example, if looking at your profile, Razor, I only want the text "Support Moderator" in the memberlist, and not the image below. Currently, I don't even have any images in the ranks, just simple text ranks.)

I edited this information just a few minutes after I posted the thread. Sorry. john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (21)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (22)
Friendly Toucan

Posts : 243
Reputation : 4
Language : English

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (26) Re: How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist?

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (27)byRazor12345 June 10th 2023, 5:29 pm

Do you activated "following system"?

AP - Users & Groups - Users options - Allow members to follow each other

If you're not using this system, you can use this JS code at the end of the template:

window.addEventListener('load', function() {

let allProfiles = document.querySelectorAll('td.avatar-mini');
let imgOfRank = document.querySelectorAll('div.img_of_rank');

allProfiles.forEach(function(item, index) {
let adr = item.querySelector('a.tooltipstered').href;
url: adr,
method: "GET",
data: 'img',
dataType: "html",
success: function (data) {
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = data;
let find_el = div.querySelector('div#profile-advanced-right div.module div.inner div:not(.h3)').innerText;



If you are using the following system, then need to write an additional check.


If you are using the following system, you can use this JS code at the end of the template:

window.addEventListener('load', function() {

let allProfiles = document.querySelectorAll('td.avatar-mini');
let imgOfRank = document.querySelectorAll('div.img_of_rank');

allProfiles.forEach(function(item, index) {
let adr = item.querySelector('a.tooltipstered').href;
url: adr,
method: "GET",
data: 'img',
dataType: "html",
success: function (data) {
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = data;
let find_el = div.querySelector('div#profile-advanced-right div.module div.inner div:not(.h3)');
let childOfFindEl = find_el.querySelector('div.block-follow');
if (childOfFindEl) {
find_el = find_el.innerText;



john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (28)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (29)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (30)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (31)
Support Moderator
john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (32)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (33) Posts : 1538
Reputation : 265
Language : Ukr, Rus, Eng
Location : Ukraine

SarkZKalie and TonnyKamper like this post

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (36) Re: How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist?

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (37)byskouliki June 13th 2023, 7:39 am


is this solved ?

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (38)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (39)
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john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (40)
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john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (41)
john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (42)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (43) Posts : 15260
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john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (44)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (47) Re: How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist?

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (48)byRazor12345 June 19th 2023, 8:25 am

Good afternoon!

We have not heard back from the author.
I'm closing the topic and moving it to the archive.

If your problem is not solved - send me a private message and I will open this topic for further help.

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (49)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (50)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (51)
Support Moderator
john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (52)

john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (53) Posts : 1538
Reputation : 265
Language : Ukr, Rus, Eng
Location : Ukraine

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john holmes first 10 minutes patreon ecbforum memberlist php mode - How can I make "ranks" show up under a user's name in the memberlist? (2024)
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