Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (2024)

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Keto oatmeal? Aren't there carbs in oatmeal? Yes there are and since the net carbs will kick you out of ketosis I have a nice substitute for you. Ever heard of noatmeal? This is it! This low carb oatmeal alternative is the closest you can get to your favorite hot porridge. It's creamy, rich and has the perfect texture. Read along and find out exactly how to make it.

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Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (1)

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Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (2)

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Keto Oatmeal (Noatmeal)

I love oatmeal. That's probably the only breakfast cereal I miss so much on the keto WOE. Noatmeal is an easy and great low carb oatmeal alternative.

Noatmeal was created in the low carb world from the desire to replace oatmeal while following a Low carb or Keto diet. In recent years, Low carb has become increasingly popular and personally I believe it works especially when done properly.

Don't get me wrong? You don't have to do Keto to achieve great results but with consistency, lowering your carbs and exercising, any way of life goes a long way to help you get healthy and lose weight.

If you are just starting out on a keto diet, keto oatmeal may be the best option for you because it won't knock you out of ketosis.

If you are fat adapted and on maintenance mode, you may be able to have some Oats and get away with it. (Don't quote me 😀)

If you are on the Ketogenic lifestyle and an oatmeal lover like me, I am excited to share this recipe with you because I know your pain and I know you will love this. It is sooo close.

Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (3)

Ingredients needed to make your new favorite Keto breakfast Cereal.

Since we cant have oats on a strict Keto Diet. A mix of seeds and the use of chia seeds will help us achieve the texture and taste of oatmeal in this keto oatmeal recipe.

1. Hemp Hearts:*

I like using hemp hearts because it reminds me of oats. The first time I saw hemp hearts, my thoughts were oh thank goodness I think these can help with my oats craving and it truly hasn't disappointed me. This is the exact hemp hearts I use.

*Don't worry these won't get you high, that property is found in the leaves.

2. Ground Golden flax seeds:

Golden flax seeds are rich in healthy nutrients. They contain omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, and are rich in fiber. It is known as a super food. Flax seeds contain very minimal amount of carbs per serving. I table spoon of flax seed contains 2g of carbohydrates of which 1.9g is fiber. Which means it 1 tablespoon contains only 0.1g net carbs Hurray!!! That makes it a good addition to our keto oatmeal. This is the brand I use. You can read all about the benefits of flax seeds in this article.

Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (4)

3. Chia seeds:

Another super food. Chia seeds are good for you and they are good for me. It's adds great texture and structure to this Keto oatmeal/ keto noatmeal chia. Chia seeds are nutrients dense. They are loaded with antioxidants and are low in carbs. You can read more on the benefits of chia seeds here. I love this brand.

4. Sugar free sweeteners:

You can use any sweetener you love. I have tried this with Erythritol, Sucralose, Monkfruit blend and Xylitol*

* If using Xylitol, keep it or any food made with xylitol away from your pets esp your dogs. Xylitol is very harmful to them and can cause life threatening conditions.

How to make Keto Low carb Oatmeal with step by step pictures.

This is an overview of the recipe with step by photos. Full recipe instructions can be found in the printable recipe card at the bottom of this page.

Pic 1-3; Gather your ingredients, add the liquid (milk)

Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (5)

Pic 4-6; Stir to combine, cook till noatmeal thickens.

Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (6)

How many carbs in Oatmeal? Is it Keto?

Oats which include rolled oats and steel cut oats though healthy and rich in fibre have higher carbs than is allowed on a keto diet. Traditional Oats have 150 calories

when the you are trying to lose weight the keto way, you need to stay below on 20g (net carbs Or not) or less of carbs per day. A single serving of oats has about 25g net carbs which is already above your daily dose of carbs on keto.

If you really miss oatmeal because you are on a Keto Diet. You don't have to anymore. Try this and let me know what you think.. yay!! Or nay!! I will waiting for your feedback in the comments.

Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (7)

Quick Recipe notes and Tips

  • Though I used half and half for this low carb oatmeal alternative, you can use any Milk of choice, dairy or non dairy will work.
  • Keto oatmeal is easily adaptable with a variety of add ins. Fruits like strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are a good keto option for fruits. Nuts like almonds, pecans, walnuts are a great addition to noatmeal.
  • Ever had oatmeal with chocolate chips? These sugar free chocolate chips are an awesome addition to noatmeal
  • A splash of sugar free strawberry syrup, vanilla syrup, banana syrup or maple syrup can take this noatmeal up a notch.
Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (8)

Frequently Asked Questions

Where to buy Keto Oatmeal?

There are some Keto friendly hot cereals sold as oatmeal substitutes online. I haven't tried them yet, some have great reviews.

Is Oatmeal Keto friendly?

Unfortunately, Regular oatmeal is not keto friendly. Please read the answer to the next question for more deets.

Is Plain oatmeal low carb?

Plain oatmeal is considered lower carb but not low enough for a keto diet. ½ cup of dry oatmeal contains 27g of carbs. If you are on a standard low carb diet, it may work well with your needs but if you are on a keto diet, it will definitely kick you out of ketosis.

Other Favorite Keto breakfast Recipes to try.

Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (9)

Keto Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (10)

Keto French Toast

Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (11)

Easy Keto Chaffles recipe { + VIDEO }

Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (12)

Keto Pancakes Recipe (Almond flour Pancakes)

This recipe was first published in April 2019. It has been updated to include a recipe card, nutritional information, helpful tips and answers to frequently asked questions. Enjoy!

Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (13)

Noatmeal Recipe (A Keto / Lowcarb Oatmeal Alternative)

Noatmeal is a keto oatmeal alternative. It's the closest you can get to Your favorite breakfast porridge while on a low carb WOE.

5 from 2 votes

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Prep Time 2 minutes mins

Cook Time 5 minutes mins

Course Breakfast

Cuisine American, British

Servings 2

Calories 238 kcal


  • cup Hemp hearts
  • 2 tablespoon Ground Golden flax seeds
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon Erythritol (see note 3 for alternative)
  • ¼ cup half & half or heavy cream plus more for serving use almond milk or coconut milk if dairy free
  • ½ cup water


  • Mix all dry ingredients and transfer to a pot

  • Pour in the water and half and half

  • Cook noatmeal till it thickens about 3 minutes

  • Serve warm with milk of choice


  1. You can use any milk of choice dairy and non dairy to enjoy this noatmeal.
  2. Ever thought of oatmeal with add ins like nuts and chocolate chips. They taste amazing in noatmeal.
  3. Erythritol can be substituted with Monkfruit erythritol blend or Allulose monkfruit blend.

Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (14)


Calories: 238kcal

Keyword Keto Oatmeal, Low carb Oatmeal, Low carb oatmeal alternative, Noatmeal Recipe

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Keto Oatmeal Alternative (Noatmeal Recipe) (2024)
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