Quirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (2024)

50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions for the Whole Family: CHRISTMAS EDITION

My Would You Rather posts have done so well in the past that I decided to some up with another 50 questions just for Christmas! These questions are all original and pretty weird but they're kid friendly and fun for the entire family.

They're great for a classroom game, road trips, avoiding awkward silences after Christmas dinner and more! Have fun!

Quirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (2)


...chug a gallon of eggnog Quirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (3)in 15 seconds or eat 300 sugar cookies in 15 minutes?

...spend 2 days cooking a giant Christmas meal or 2 days cleaning up after the Christmas meal?

...never eat candy again or never play in the snow again?

...be one of Santa's workshop elves or a 13-inch walking talking nutcracker for the rest of your life?

...live in a giant gingerbreadQuirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (4) mansion or build a giant gingerbread mansion?

...your hair always smell like turkey or chimney smoke?

...eat a Christmas dinner that's completely covered in cranberry sauce or gravy?

...never have hot chocolate again or never watch a Christmas movieQuirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (5) ever again?

...give one person a $1,000 or give 1,000 people a $1 gift?

...have elf earsQuirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (6) or Santa's white beard forever?

...sit in a tub of hot chocolate for 6 hours or try to stuff 100 marshmallows in your mouth?

...star in the world's worst Christmas movie or dress as Mrs. Claus for a year?

...only be able to speak in Christmas song lyrics or only be able to speak in Christmas movie quotesQuirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (7)?

...have holiday decorations up all year or never be able to put them up again?

...shop for 2,000 gifts or wrap 2,000 gifts.

...have Santa Claus sneeze in your face or have a reindeer poopQuirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (8) on your shoes?

...celebrate Christmas every month or once every 10 years?

...sing Christmas songs solo to an audience of 2 million people or wet your pants while sitting on Santa's lap?

...have candy canesQuirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (9) for fingers or gumdrops for eyes?

... give your crush a three-year-old fruit cake or a pair of used Christmas socks?

... read a 2,000-page book about Christmas or write a 2,000-page book about Christmas?

...kiss a polar bear or kiss a complete stranger under the mistletoeQuirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (10)?

...get accidentally locked in the mall or stuck at the airport on Christmas?

...have a big belly like Santa Claus or have a big glowing red nose like Rudolph?

...have to ring the Salvation Army bell for 48 hours straight or receive 48 awful gifts that you can't return?

...fall into a holly bush or sit on a sharpened candy cane?

...have skis Quirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (11)for feet or tinsel for hair?

...decorate your home with Christmas garland made from someone else's dirty underwear or decorate your tree with wet cat food?

...accidentally break the world's most expensive Christmas tree ornament or steal Santa's sleigh?

...be completely alone or have 100 people crammed into your house all Christmas day?

...be turned into a real donkey for a Nativity Quirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (12)play or sing Jingle Bells very loudly for an hour in a library?

...have 11 pipers piping or 12 drummers drumming?

...walk barefoot on a mile-long path of Lego Quirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (13)blocks to get everything you've ever wanted for Christmas or throw away 10 other people's presents to get everything you've ever wanted for Christmas?

...knit a sweater made of Santa's beard hair or wear a sweater made of Santa's beard hair?

...be permanently covered head to toe in fur or have antlers Quirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (14)that fall off and grow back every year?

...eat a mashed potato and candy cane sandwich or walk around the mall with mistletoe over your head for 3 hours.

...spend an entire day untangling Christmas lightsQuirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (15) or spend an entire day overcooking Christmas cookies?

...lose all of your luggage or lose all the gifts you bought at the airport?

...have a carrot for a nose or reindeer hoof hands?

...laugh 'HO HO HO!' as your usual laugh or have a high squeaky voice like an elf?

...be the only person to not receive a gift or be the only person that gave gifts?

...be Krampus Quirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (16)or the Abominable Snowman?

...have eggnog flavored fruitcake Quirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (17)or fruit cake flavored eggnog?

...have a talking Christmas tree that never stops talking about tree stuff or have a lit fireplace that never goes out?

...be in a production of The NutcrackerQuirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (18) or ruin a production of The Nutcracker?

...get stuck in a chimney for four hours or wear a different ugly Christmas sweaterQuirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (19) every day for four months?

...have to write Santa's 'naughty or nice' list or have to check the list twice for him?

...decorate an 80-ft tall gingerbread man or bake a 1-ton fruitcake?

...receive an offensive Christmas card from your grandmother or give an offensive Christmas card to your grandmother?

    I hope you guys enjoyed this game!
    Do you have a questions you'd like to add to the list?
    Share your ideas in a comment below!

    Quirky Bohemian Mama | Bohemian Lifestyle Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions: CHRISTMAS EDITION (2024)
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    Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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    Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.