How Does Spanish Vegan Cheese Introduce Itself At The Party? (2024)

Sometimes, the only way to feel normal is if you’re eating cheese like everyone else at the table. The quality of vegan food is rising rapidly, and with this plant-based foundation, cheese is becoming more and more life-like and less…well, fake. High fat nuts, combined with new cheese making methods are expanding our eating options beyond what an early vegan ever believed.

Water-soaked soybeans, macadamia nuts, and almonds will make some stellar cheesy alternatives, but the real King of vegan cheese is the cashew. The longer you soak the nuts in water, the creamier the cheese. Cashew’s starchiness creates a naturally thick consistency, and there’s no bean taste. Plus, they’re high in protein! (Since we all know that’s the number one question about this style diet)

Another secret to vegan cheese is the dehydrator. This device pulls out the moisture and allows a fermentation process to occur. Same as you would with dairy cheese, you must be patient and handle it with care.

Besides all of us crazy vegans, non-dairy cheeses let the lactose intolerant people enjoy the indulgent creaminess that they never thought they would. Not only is this delicious and GENIUS, but it's healthy. Sure, you don’t need to listen to another rant on why cow’s milk is unethical, immoral and poor for your health, but at least now you know about the really good stuff, nutrition and taste wise, that we have available to us.

Now go get some vegan cheese!!

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How Does Spanish Vegan Cheese Introduce Itself At The Party? (2024)
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