Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (2024)

If you are thoroughly swamped and trying to make your way through 5.42 quadrillion deadlines before you take a winter holiday, say ‘aye.’ Yeah, that’s what I thought. Me too. I have skads and skads of work, and find myself needing to take little breaks to doodle pictures of chickens and meditating monkeys in order to let my brain turn over and rev up again (this is actually fairly standard practice among a subset of the population who, um, finds drawing chickens and monkeys cathartic). But, now it’s time to take another little respite. Come with me if you would, on a little walk down memory lane…

This memory has to do with food, of course. One of the very, very best foods of my childhood, pannekaker. Norwegian pancakes are thin, almost crepe like (but more delicious 🙂 ), and like crepes you can put nearly anything you’d like in them. In Norway they are a dinner food, and while I’m sure my brothers and I would have been quite happy to have them every single night, the time we most dependably ate them was on a very specific special occasion. When my parents would go out in the summer to visit with friends (and, let me tell you, in Norway a visit with friends can turn into a fest that lasts until 4am!) my uncle would come to watch us and cook us dinner. He would make us eggy, tender, buttery pannekaker, that we would smear generously with fresh blueberry or raspberry jam. We accompanied the pancakes with tomato noodle soup that came out of a packet (Scandinavians have the dubious distinction of packing an extremely odd and wide ranging assortment of foods in a packet, from cabbage, to rose hip soup, to mashed kohlrabi, to sour cream porridge. It sets you up really well if you want to go on a camping trip though!) The pancake tomato soup combination was an odd one – at least we didn’t actually mix the two together – but we adored it. It was, after all, undeniably delicious.

In the United States, however, it turned out that pancakes are a breakfast food (and the American versions are fluffy and soak up lots of syrup, which I’m still not entirely certain I approve of), so my mom did a little cultural adapting. In a stroke of motherly genius pannekaker suddenly appeared on the morning menu after sleep overs. They were an instant sensation with the children in the neighborhood! Everyone starting requesting them. Sometimes we’d even go to my house for pancakes after sleeping over somewhere else. In my memory, on mornings when my mother made pannekaker, it was as if a town crier ran out pel mel into the streets sounding the alarm, and children from every house within walking distance would come filing in the door to cram in at our little table and enjoy the treat. It’s the kind of thing that, as a child, makes you feel like your family is actually pretty cool. (And at this point I know for sure that they are!)

Even now, for many of us when we go back to Duluth for a visit, pancakes at my family’s house or one of our dear neighbors, are a breakfast that signifies you are special and being taken care of. For the full nostalgic experience I’ll eat them with jam and whipped cream, but as an adult, I’ve also come to really enjoy them with honey and ricotta, or with sour cream and fruit preserves.

Pannekaker (Norwegian pancakes) (serves 4-6)

  • 1 1/3 cup all purpose flour
  • 6 large eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cardamom, or lemon zest, whichever you prefer (which obviously means cardamom…)
  • 3 cups whole milk
  • 4 tablespoons butter, melted, plus more for greasing the pan
  • 1 cup ricotta
  • 4 tablespoons honey
  • 2 teaspoons lemon zest (orange is also good)
  • sour cream
  • good strawberry, raspberry or blueberry preserves
  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, eggs, salt, sugar and cardamom or lemon zest until it makes kind of a thick yellow mixture.
  2. Bit by bit, whisk in the milk to make a smooth batter. Allow to rest at room temperature for half an hour. (I don’t actually know what this does to the batter, but it is simply something you “must do.”)
  3. Right before frying the pancakes, whisk the melted butter into the batter.
  4. Heat a 9 or 12 inch skillet (I like cast iron best) over medium-high heat. Melt a bit of butter in it, then pour in a ladle full of batter and swirl it around to coat the bottom of the pan. It should be about the thickness of a crepe or just slightly thicker.
  5. Cook for about 2 minutes, until the under side has turned golden brown and the top is beginning to set. Then flip it (this can be tricky and the first one almost always gets ruined), and cook the other side for just a minute. Transfer to a serving plate.
  6. Grease the pan with a little more butter and continue frying up the batter until it is all used. You should use pretty high heat the whole time, but if the pancakes start burning and the pan starts smoking, you should adjust the heat down a bit.
  7. Before serving, mix the ricotta, 2 tsp. lemon zest, and honey together in a small bowl. Serve the pancakes accompanied by the ricotta as one topping option and sour cream and jam as another. (Or you can mix and match at will). Spread a pancake lightly with your topping of choice, roll it up, and eat. And don’t forget strong black coffee!

Tagged: child friendly, easy and delicious, eggs, jam, milk, Norwegian, ricotta, Scandinavian

§ 22 Responses to Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker)

  • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (6)Sandy says:

    December 15, 2010 at 9:40 am

    These look delicious! I’ve had pannekaker once and could tell that they were different from crepes but had no idea how the recipe differed. Thanks so much for the recipe!!


    • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (7)Emily (Kuross) Vikre says:

      December 15, 2010 at 3:02 pm

      Thanks! I hope you give them a try!


  • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (8)siri says:

    December 15, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    What a great story! I adore pannekaker too (have even posted about them on my blog) and we always eat them for dinner with some sort of soup (usually homemade split pea or creamy cauliflower- I hate tomato soup by Toro!) The funny thing is, my mom, who lives in the states, started making them for my niece. And since Americans, as you said, are used to pancakes for breakfast, she makes them on weekend mornings and my niece pours tons of maple syrup over them. What a taboo!

    It’s fun to find your blog, I’ll be sure to follow!


    • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (9)Emily (Kuross) Vikre says:

      December 15, 2010 at 3:02 pm

      Haha, that sounds so familiar. I say you can put most anything on pannekaker, but if I see someone put syrup on them, I generally launch into a lengthy argument about why they really shouldn’t!


  • December 15, 2010 at 7:49 pm

    This reminds me of a lovely treat left on the table for us by the family we stayed with in Croatia – palacinke. They were almost the same: thin, crepe-like pancakes served with apricot jam. So delish. I also have a thing for cardamom.


    • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (11)Emily (Kuross) Vikre says:

      December 18, 2010 at 5:59 pm

      That’s so cool! I love how there is such overlap in traditional foods!


  • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (12)Richelle says:

    January 1, 2011 at 2:30 pm

    In Holland they are called Pannekoeken! The recipe calls for only 2 eggs, but adds a teaspoon of baking powder, a little oil and we always include one grated apple for sweetness. Sometimes a bit of vanilla or cinnamon. Try them with strips of bacon, fried just a bit before adding the batter and eat them with molasses or dark brown sugar!
    And you’re right, the first one always ends up a mess and in my house, the cook gets to eat it before anyone else!


    • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (13)Emily (Kuross) Vikre says:

      January 1, 2011 at 4:00 pm

      Mmm, sounds yummy. I love the idea of adding grated apple. We too sometimes put cooked bacon into the pancakes as they’re cooking, but I’ve never tried it with molasses.


  • August 4, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    My great-grandma was 100% Norwegian and passed down her pancake recipe, similar to this. and I definitely agree with the cast iron pan. My mom always put butter and sugar inside, and rolled them up, however, i’ve used butter and brown sugar for years. Now, looking at these tasty toppings, I’m going to use strawberry freezer jam in mine tonight, yumful!


    • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (15)Emily (Kuross) Vikre says:

      August 7, 2011 at 12:30 pm

      How cool, and special, to have a recipe passed down from your great-grandma! Butter and sugar is a classic combination, but I love fruits or jam in pannekaker the very best!


  • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (16)Kari says:

    February 18, 2012 at 1:15 pm

    As a daughter of Norway, we grew up with norwegian pancakes for dinner (my favourite) and we rolled them up with butter and granulated sugar. But my favourite way was with grated carrots mixed in with the dough. Yum, but an acquired taste. I still make them today (50 years later) but I can’t get anyone hooked on the carrot version. Regardless, lots of butter is the key.


    • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (17)Emily (Kuross) Vikre says:

      February 18, 2012 at 3:43 pm

      That is SO cool! I have never had them with grated carrots, but now I shall have to give it a try!


  • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (18)courageonline says:

    August 26, 2012 at 1:24 pm

    One of my favorite childhood memories is eating these pancakes. I used to stop by my Norwegian grandma’s house whenever I had a craving for them. She cooked with a cast iron skillet like this that I liked to imagine she brought with her when she moved here from Norway, but likely she bought it when they lived in Minnesota on the Andresen Farm. I loved those pancakes but mine never quite turned out like hers. She died when I was a freshmen in college so I never really got to refine the recipe or cook under her supervision. I look forward to trying this recipe to see if I can hit the mark of that memory. Thanks for posting!


  • January 13, 2013 at 10:38 pm

    Yummy!!! We had crepes this week, is what I call them. Altho I put less eggs, also. I couldn’t remember the name pannekaker. My father was born and raise in Arendal and came to the US as a stowaway. He always spoke of his Grandma making them. We put cream cheese with honey & vanilla and fruit on top. Heavenly!!! Makes me think of him every time I make them. 🙂


    • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (20)Emily (Kuross) Vikre says:

      January 20, 2013 at 9:21 am

      How interesting! Thanks for sharing.


  • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (21)Sue Brent says:

    January 25, 2013 at 12:12 am

    My Norwegian grandma made these for me when i was growing up, but her recipe consisted of a little of this and sime of that. Unfortunately, She died when I was 18 so i never got to perfect the recipe. Thank you! Btw, she usually served them with butter, jam, rolled w/ a squeeze of lemon and dusted them with powdered sugar. Never syrup. I loved them!!!


    • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (22)Emily (Kuross) Vikre says:

      January 27, 2013 at 9:55 am

      We never ever had syrup on them either! Always butter and jam in my family. 🙂


  • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (23)Christie says:

    February 6, 2013 at 7:24 pm

    In Hungary we call it “palacsinta” and make it with 2 eggs and 1.5
    dl milk 1.5dl club soda. For the cheeses filling we use farmer cheese, lemon juice and zest, sugar, vanilla and raisins. Yumm!


    • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (24)Emily (Kuross) Vikre says:

      February 7, 2013 at 1:01 pm

      Mmmmm, that filling sounds spectacular.


  • February 16, 2013 at 2:02 pm

    just got back from bondens marked today and eat norwegian pancakes, so delicious. thanks for sharing the recipe, i definitely would love to try! 🙂


    • Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (26)Emily (Kuross) Vikre says:

      February 18, 2013 at 11:24 am

      They are so delicious, right?! 🙂


      • February 21, 2013 at 2:07 am

        very very delicious 🙂

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Norwegian pancakes (pannekaker) (2024)
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