Support Your Working Memory With This Brain-Healthy Supplement* (2024)

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Integrative Health

Former mbg Supplement Editor

By Morgan Chamberlain

Former mbg Supplement Editor

Morgan Chamberlain is mindbodygreen's former supplement editor. She graduated from Syracuse University with a Bachelor of Science degree in magazine journalism and a minor in nutrition.

Support Your Working Memory With This Brain-Healthy Supplement* (3)

Image by Irina Polonina / Stocksy

November 03, 2023

Our brains are quite remarkable. As the body's hard drive and microprocessor, they have several different memory systems that store and process various types of information. And if we want each of those systems to operate at full capacity, we have to make sure our brains are getting enough healthy fats (it is the fattiest organ in the body, mind you).Omega-3s, especially DHA,support our overall cognitive functionon the daily and give our working memory a little boost.*

How does working

Working memory1is the amount of information we can mentally hold at any given time—essentially, it's the mental notepad your brain scribbles on when it needs to remember or process something.

Picture this: It's your lunch break and you're standing in line at the salad place down the street from your office. You decide to build your own salad bowl, but there are so many ingredients to choose from—do you want chickpeas or chicken? Kale or spring greens? Beets and sweet potato, or cucumber and tomato?

Perhaps you're visualizing each veggie, nut, and protein being tossed into a bowl until it looks delicious in your mind, or maybe you're repeating ingredients in your head until they sound like a satisfying combo. Either way, your working memory is helping you hold that growing list of ingredients as you're taking in the menu so you can mentally assemble the perfect salad.

After you take in sensory information (in this case, ingredients), working memory helps you temporarily hold that information and decide what to do with it (i.e., put it in long-term memory or let it go once it's no longer needed). While our long-term memory storage space is infinite, researchers estimate our brains can remember approximately five to nine things at once (though it varies from person to person).

How we use working memory

Working memory is used for much more than just deciding what to eat for lunch. Without realizing it, you're using your working memory all day to read, write, organize, plan, and stay engaged with tasks. Here are some examples of how we use working memory in our everyday lives:

  • Remembering the directions to a friend's house
  • Repeating the time and date of the doctor appointment you just set in your head (or out loud) until you schedule it in your calendar
  • Mentally counting the number of people coming to your birthday dinner so you can make a reservation
  • Checking you have all the things you need (e.g., phone, wallet, keys,lip balm, headphones) before you head out the door

Some people struggle with tasks that require working memory more than others and may find themselves in bouts of transient forgetfulness. If you regularly misplace items you need, you know exactly what I mean. (I once spent 20 minutes looking for my car keys and found them in my freezer, so trust me when I say I've been there.) And even people with strong working memories can encounter working memory problems when they're stressed or exhausted.

So, what are we to do? Is there a way to support our working memory in order to plan, process, and organize more effectively, even if we're admittedly a bit more scatterbrained than others?

Where omega-3 supplementation comes in

omega-3 potency+

It turns outthere's a supplementthat can help us keep our keys out of the kitchen (literally and metaphorically). Our brainsneed omega-3 fatty acidsto function optimally, and DHA is the perfect nutrient for the job.*

A 2013 randomized controlled trial showed thatDHA improves memory and the reaction time of memory2in healthy, young adults.* When it came to working memory, men saw greater improvement than women, and women, alternatively, were found more likely to experience improved episodic memory (i.e., the ability to recall past events).*

Many other studies have found cognitive function benefits for adults of all ages. DHA intake and supplementation are tied tosignificant improvements in working and semantic memory3(i.e., our general understanding/knowledge of the world), while episodic memory ishelped by EPA and DHA(particularly when1 gram or more of these fatsare consumed daily).*

Whether you're 27 or 77, DHA is crucial foroptimizing neurocognitive function and overall brain health4through all stages of life—and ahigh-quality fish oil supplementis perfectly positioned to help you reach your daily marineomega-3 goals(you know, that 1-gram-plus of EPA and DHA)!*

The takeaway

Adding omega-3s to your diet by upping yourweekly fatty fish intaketo two or more servings a week (per theAmerican Health Association's recommendations5) and/or introducing a potentomega-3 supplementcan not only ensure healthy omega-3 levels in the body but alsohelp improve memoryand overall cognitive function.*

mindbodygreen'somega-3 potency+is asustainable, high-quality fish oil supplementthat delivers 1.5 grams of EPA plus DHA daily. (That's the omega-3 equivalent of eating one serving of fish every day!)† Consideromega-3 potency+to reach sufficient omega-3 status and reap all the brainy benefits.*

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.

omega-3 potency+
Support Your Working Memory With This Brain-Healthy Supplement* (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.