What Happens After a Reiki Healing Treatment? (2024)

Many clients wonder or question what they may expect or experienceduring or after their Reiki session. Quite often people are unwillingto submit themselves for alternative therapies simply because they areafraid - afraid from the unexpected or the unknown. But fear ismerely caused from a lack of awareness, a lack of knowledge, a lack ofeducation or a lack of understanding. I often state that peopleshould be involved in their own healing program, where they acceptresponsibility by actively participating. Of course many areresistant to this and would rather let the practitioner create the"miracle" healing. But to fully comprehend the importance of beinginvolved so that success can be accomplished, people should realizethat they must become proactive with educating themselves - this ispart of being responsible to self. So here are some helpful tips tofollow after receiving a Reiki healing session. Included is a dailyprotection plan designed to protect, cleanse and balance youphysically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If practised on acontinuous daily basis, they will help you to maintain and enhanceyour overall well-being.

Benefits Of A Reiki Session

1. Aligns, clears and balances chakra centres (we focus on the 7 major energy centres)

2. Alleviates associated pain

3. Promotes relaxation and balance

4. Releases energy blockages, lower vibrating energy (also called negative energy), plus toxins or impurities

5. Relieves stress

6. Supports and activates your body's natural ability to heal itself

Side Effects That May Be Experienced After Treatment

1. Crying for no reason

2. Diarrhoea

3. Extreme tiredness

4. Feeling hot or cold

5. Increased urination

6. Tingling

7. Travelling aches or pains throughout body


1. Energy is shifting throughout your body and re-balancing

2. Cleansing process has been triggered

3. Toxins are being released

What To Do

1. Side effects will usually diminish after 48-hours

2. Drink at least six to eight - 8 oz. glasses of water per day to help flush toxins from your body, plus help to conduct your body's energy flow

3. Eat nourishing foods

4. Avoid over consumption of stimulants such as coffee/tea/soft drinks containing caffeine or alcohol

5. Increase alone time in order to separate your energy from others

6. Increase rest time

7. Relax - just enjoy and be good to yourself; listed below are some relaxation ideas:

1. Listen to soothing music

2. Take a relaxing bath

3. Read

4. Go walking

5. Go for a massage

6. Have a reflexology treatment

7. Go swimming

8. Go to the sauna

9. Do gardening

Implementing a Daily Protection Plan

As you start your day, take a few minutes to ground, cleanse andprotect yourself. This is especially important if you are a"sensitive" who attracts, like a sponge, surrounding energies andvibrations. The following are examples that you can use, but feelfree to use any methods that you feel comfortable with.


The "tree root" is an easy and popular method. There are many othersto choose from, so use whichever method you find easiest or whichresonates with you.

Tree Root Method

1. Sit comfortably on a chair or you can also do this standing

2. Close your eyes, take 3-deep belly breaths and relax

3. Your intention and focus is to visualize tree roots spreading from your root chakra (the base of your spine or buttocks) down to the soles of your feet and continuing to the centre of the earth

4. See the tree roots spreading out in all directions, attaching themselves to the earth's centre

5. Feel and know that you are grounded firmly to earth energies


The "waterfall/shower" and "dry brush" are two popular methods toemploy. Cleansing can be done during the day, as needed - monitoryour feelings and thoughts for negative changes to your overallwell-being. There are a variety of other methods to choose from, souse whichever method you find easiest or which resonates with you.

Waterfall/Shower Method

1. Sit comfortably on a chair or you can also do this standing

2. Close your eyes, take 3-deep belly breaths and relax

3. Visualize standing under a waterfall or shower (this can be clear, a specific colour or a rainbow)

4. Your intention and focus is to feel and know that the water is washing and cleansing away all energy blockages, all lower vibrating energy, plus all toxins from your body. Know that these will flow to the centre of the earth to be transformed into higher, finer vibrating energy (also called positive energy) that will be re-used by the universe at the appropriate time

5. You can cleanse several times per day if you feel that you have absorbed outside energies (E.g. you may start to feel a headache, or your energy may feel drained or you may become irritable, headachy or uneasy, etc.)

Dry Brush Method

1. From a standing position, use the palms of both hands and gently brush or "dust" yourself off from the top of your head to your feet

2. Your intention and focus is to feel and know that you are cleansed of all debris, toxins, energy blockages or lower vibrating energies

3. Feel and know that the all debris, toxins, energy blockages or negative energy will flow to the centre of the earth to be transformed into higher, finer vibrating energy that will be re-used by the universe at the appropriate time


The "bubble" and "deflecting mirror" are two easy methods to employ.There are many other methods to choose from, so use whichever methodyou find easiest or which resonates with you.

Bubble of Colour

1. Close your eyes, take 3-deep belly breaths (instructions follow) and relax

2. Visualize surrounding yourself in a bubble of colour - any colour that you are attracted to use; don't be concerned about the significance of the colour's meaning

3. Visualize surrounding the other person in a different bubble of colour

4. This separates your energy from the other person

5. Know and feel that you are always protected from outside lower vibrating energies (also called negative energies)

Deflecting Mirrors

1. If you want further protection, then after you surround yourself in a bubble of colour, visualize an armour of mirrors, facing outwards , surrounding you

2. Your intention and focus is to feel and know that any lower vibrating energy directed at you will be deflected up towards the universe to be transformed into positive energy that will be re-used by the universe at the appropriate time


Do this at a convenient time, but try to practice consistently for 10to 30 minutes daily to help calm and balance your energy. Thisprocess takes you from beta state to alpha state where you gain accessto higher states of awareness.

Simple 1-2-3-4 Counting Meditation

1. Turn off your phone and sit upright in a comfortable chair

2. Dim the lights and play soft music if you desire

3. Put a light covering on (your body temperature will drop)

4. Close your eyes, take 3-deep belly breaths (explained as follows) and relax

5. Inhale deeply through your nose to the count of four seconds 1...2....3....4, while expanding your stomach, then draw your breath up into your diaphragm and pull it up into your rib cage

6. Hold for the count of four seconds 1....2....3....4

7. Exhale through your nose to the count of four seconds 1...2...3...4, as you push the air down into your stomach and then suck your stomach in towards your spine

8. Hold for the count of four seconds 1...2....3....4

9. Each time a thought comes in, acknowledge it and allow it to go - don't dwell on it or build upon it with another separate thought

10. Continue breathing in this fashion for 10 to 30 minutes

11. Don't worry about intruding thoughts, acknowledge them and then let them go; eventually they will stop. Avoid building upon the intruding thought

12. If you lose count, start again at number one

13. If you fall asleep, don't worry, your body needed additional rest

How to Deep Belly Breathe

1. Inhale and exhale through your nose (you can use your mouth if it's easier)

2. As you inhale through your nose, expand your stomach like an inflating balloon

3. Continue to draw your breath up into your diaphragm and then pull it further up into your rib cage

4. As you exhale through your nose, push the air down into your stomach and then suck your stomach inward toward your spine

5. This is one full deep belly breath

6. Continue inhaling and exhaling like this for the duration of your meditation


When saying affirmations keep the first two words in the present tense- "I AM". Your subconscious mind initiates your request that it'shappening NOW. Using a mirror, look deeply into your eyes and alwaysrepeat in the present tense (E.g. "I AM ........)." Below are someexamples, but feel free to make affirmations designed to your specificneeds.

Note: It is important to become consciously aware of how you think andtalk to yourself. I THINK - expresses a thought that's a possibilityfor the future and is not fully believable yet. I WILL - expresses athought that is about to be realized, but it's not quite ready. I AM- expresses a thought that is happening right now, in the presenttime. Remember......you are what you "think."

Affirmation Examples:

1. Everyday, in every way, I AM getting better and better and better. I feel this, I know this and it is so

2. I AM healthy, safe and secure at all times

3. I AM accepting full responsibility for my own healing process on all levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), to improve my daily well-being and my quality of life

4. I AM protected and free from other people's lower vibrating energies and I AM always protected from negative cords or hooks attaching to my body

5. I AM acknowledging and releasing all toxins, lower vibrating energies and blockages from my body. These flow freely through my foot chakras to the centre of the earth to be transformed into higher, finer vibrating energy that will be re-used by the universe at the appropriate time

6. I AM the master of my own destiny. I AM empowered with self-esteem, self-confidence and self-love and I AM creating a fulfilling life blessed with abundance


The above information is not intended to replace, diagnose, prescribeor treat any ailment or to be used as a replacement for medicaltreatment or consultation. It is only intended to enhance yourknowledge or general interest and is offered as an alternative andcomplimentary source of information In all cases, it is recommendedthat you continue to follow medical treatment as prescribed by yourmedical physician.

About the Author

Margaret Jang is a Reiki Master Teacher & Practitioner, Numerologist, Intuitive, and a Spiritual/Inspirational Poet & Writer. She currently resides in Vancouver, BC and can be contacted at margjang@gmail.com or through her website www.margaretjang.com.

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What Happens After a Reiki Healing Treatment? (2024)


What happens to your body after Reiki healing? ›

Reiki is linked to a range of physical and emotional health benefits, including better sleep, improved mood, and pain relief in published studies. Research suggests Reiki helps the body return to a state of relaxation, which allows it to potentially better heal from damage brought on by stress, injury, or disease.

What are the after effects of Reiki? ›

Occasionally you may experience a poorly tummy. Cold Like Symptoms: More mucus, runny nose, sore throat, short bouts of feverishness may occur. Increase in perspiration. Old Conditions: Seemingly re-appearing even after some years that have been suppressed by drugs and not completely cured.

What are the results of Reiki healing? ›

Benefits of Reiki
  • Relaxation and stress reduction.
  • Activating the parasympathetic nervous system (reduced heart rate, reduced blood pressure, increased heart rate variability)
  • Pain control.
  • Reduced anxiety and depression and increased self-esteem and quality of life in people with chronic health conditions.
Mar 2, 2024

What is the aftercare of Reiki treatment? ›

Be gentle with yourself. Get an early night and lie in if you can. Clean eating - reiki begins this healing and clearing out process, which is supported by healthy eating and drinking. Please try to avoid alcohol or caffeinated drinks, particularly for the first 48 hours.

Why drink water after Reiki? ›

The Importance of Drinking Water After Reiki

When the toxins are released, they re-enter the body's system and need to be flushed out. As your body works to remove these toxins, some unpleasant symptoms can arise, such as headaches, nausea, aches, or general tiredness—and water helps alleviate these symptoms.

What are the dark side of Reiki? ›

For some people, this can feel uncomfortable or awkward. It could lead to anxiety, panic attacks, or the inability to relax.

What is the disadvantage of Reiki? ›

Intense fatigue, feeling drained of energy, or flu-like symptoms. It is common to feel extremely tired and depleted of energy in the short-term following your Reiki session. Furthermore, it's also possible to experience some short-term, flu-like side effects as your body copes with the changes in energy.

What happens when you do Reiki everyday? ›

Hands-on Reiki practise is deeply relaxing and healing. It directly affects your central nervous system. When your central nervous system is relaxed you experience more positive mental and emotional states and cope more effectively with life's challenges. A daily self Reiki practice is excellent self-care.

Why do I feel so good after Reiki? ›

Reiki restores you to a state of balance by unlocking your body's natural healing abilities. It directly influences your central nervous system – it allows you to relax. Once you are relaxed physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing takes place.

Does Reiki actually help? ›

Studies show that reiki therapy may be useful for reducing stress and anxiety, easing pain, and even improving your quality of life. It can bring about symptom relief and other improvements, like: Help with meditation. Balance to your immune system.

How long do benefits of Reiki last? ›

After you start feeling an improvement, your last session's effects can last from days to weeks. A general rule of thumb is that if you are consistent with your sessions, you will reap the rewards for longer.

What not to do after energy healing? ›

For 3 days following a Reiki session:
  1. Avoid alcohol and limit caffeine.
  2. Drink enough water to stay well hydrated.
  3. Eat light, healthy meals abundant in vegetables and fruit. ...
  4. Get adequate rest. ...
  5. Spend time in nature—walk in a park; sit quietly near a body of water.

How often should I get Reiki done? ›

It's best to receive three to five Reiki treatments one to two weeks apart. Once you see yourself improving you can space out treatments to one month or six weeks apart. Receiving regular Reiki treatments is excellent self-care and helps you to maintain holistic balance.

Is Reiki healing safe? ›

Like any intervention, reiki practitioners warn it isn't a cure-all and shouldn't be viewed as such. But it's deemed safe and potentially effective enough that a considerable number—15% and growing—of U.S. hospitals offer reiki healing specifically.

What are the symptoms of healing crisis after Reiki? ›

At first, you might feel worse – headaches, tiredness, mood swings. Your body is just reacting to the change, eliminating the toxins. As it gradually adjusts and cleanses, these symptoms subside, giving way to a renewed sense of well-being. A Reiki session can be similar – an 'energetic detox,' if you will.

How are you meant to feel after Reiki? ›

The most common experience is an almost immediate release of stress and a feeling of deep relaxation. Reiki is cumulative and even people who don't notice much the first time usually have progressively deeper experiences if they continue.

What are the disadvantages of Reiki? ›

Reiki therapy has been practiced for about a century. Yet, it's occasionally been associated with side effects like discomfort and tiredness. There's also limited scientific evidence and regulation behind the practice. Other potential disadvantages of reiki include inconsistent results and paying out of pocket.

How does Reiki affect your health? ›

Reiki Benefits

Studies show that reiki therapy may be useful for reducing stress and anxiety, easing pain, and even improving your quality of life. It can bring about symptom relief and other improvements, like: Help with meditation. Balance to your immune system.

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