Why You Should Start Your Own Tailwind Tribe - Vanessa Kynes (2024)

Tailwind Tribes are a powerful way to grow your Pinterest presence. In this post, I’ll be sharing how starting your own Tailwind Tribe is a great way to get visibility in your business and niche.Why You Should Start Your Own Tailwind Tribe - Vanessa Kynes (1)

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If you’ve been a long-time reader of my blog, you’ll know that I am a huge fan of Tailwind and Tailwind Tribes. Tailwind is a Pinterest and Instagram scheduler I use every single day in my business. Tailwind allows you to automate your Pinterest marketing strategy by working smarter, not harder (and you can get $15 off; grab my affiliate link here)

Tailwind Tribes are niche-related communities within Tailwind. This quote from Tailwind describes them well:

Tribes are formed by groups of trusted peers, generally with a focus on aggregating content in a specific topic or niche of interest to them. As Tribemates add great content to their Tribe, a feed is created for easy review and sharing. By collaborating in this way, everyone in the Tribe has a continuous stream of hand-curated content from people they trust, saving them time and improving their content quality. And, when someone shares their content from the Tribe, they also get exposure to a highly relevant audience. It’s a win-win. -Via Tailwind

So, now that you know what Tailwind Tribes are, I’d recommend starting your own. Why? Because it is a powerful way to establish your authority in a subject and be the go-to guide in your niche. I started a Tailwind tribe for creative entrepreneurs, my ideal audience. Those who contribute to the tribe regularly see my weekly blog content, can invite others to join, and hopefully will develop a trust that my tribe will be a great place to grab pinnable content, get Pinterest resources, and establish know, like, trust for my brand. If you start a tribe, you have control over who joins and what type of content is shared.

I really value community in this small business gig, and I think you should too. I’ve met friends, found support and encouragement, and received referrals through my Tailwind community. But before you ‘take’ from your community, your audience needs to see you consistently giving value before they ever get a sales pitch. 😉

A few recommendations if you start a Tailwind Tribe:

  1. Niche down: Choose a specific niche so that you don’t get a lot of random content or requests from random Tailwind Users.
  2. Write to your tribe: There is a chat feature that allows you to reach out to the group to encourage them, send them messages, and also to reinforce the rules (see number 3).
  3. Set rules: It’s important to set rules! Clarifying what is expected from tribe members makes it easier to remove someone who doesn’t follow the rules.I recommend 1:1 pin ratios. For every one pin someone contributes, they also need to schedule or share one.
      1. I don’t allow non-Pinterest optimized images. I’m looking for images that have at least a 2:3 or 600x900px ratio.
      2. If a pinner consistently posts poor quality pins or spam content, then I remind them to follow the rules, and then if they don’t comply, I remove them.

Starting a Tailwind Tribe is honestly one of the best things I’ve done for my visibility in the last year! I get consistent eyeballs on my content and have an amazing tribe of people sharing content within the group. We help each other grow through the exponential power of Pinterest. You can get more information aboutTypical Results of Tailwind for Pinterest Members.

What about you? Are you interested in starting a Tailwind tribe? Ready to join Tailwind—grab my affiliate link here! If you are ready to dive deep and automate with Tailwind, learn more about my How To Use Tailwind course!

Are you new to Pinterest and want more tips to get started? See my introductory post Getting Started on Pinterest and don’t forget to sign up for my email newsletter below. You’ll receive my FREE Pinterest Start-up Guide for your creative small business where I give easy actionable steps to getting started on Pinterest!


Why You Should Start Your Own Tailwind Tribe - Vanessa Kynes (2)

Why You Should Start Your Own Tailwind Tribe - Vanessa Kynes (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.